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October 21, 2022

Hey! I’m Glad You’re Here.

Years ago I began a small blog called “Above All Else” where I would occasionally share what I’d been learning, what I was reflecting on, as well as experiences that I felt moved to share with others. While sporadically sharing updates, I received cherished encouragement from others.

My passion for writing began much earlier than this, however. I remember writing short stories, poetry, and even lyrics when I was a child. I’d have notebooks and folders full of my imagined stories and penned words. In school, I would go above and beyond the basic requirements for written assignments; I could not fathom only sharing so little detail.

In elementary and middle school, I even authored and managed a weekly “publication” to my family members that was a newspaper of sorts with current events in the family, things I was enjoying, a section for the weather, and so on. Eventually this grew and was circulated amongst the extended family. Soon I received requests for copies of my publication to be left at my grandparents’ house for pickup and viewing.

As I grew older, writing became necessary for me in my own reflection. When I would contemplate life decisions, process tragedy, and more, I would feel impressed upon to write. Some writing I cherished for myself, and some writing I would share with others. I would bleed on a page my thoughts, prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving to God. To these pages I could later return to read and reflect, observing the Father’s hand at work, and observing His provision and guidance over my life. I could see how He was truly working all things together for good.

Throughout my writing journey – whether for personal use, for private praise and prayer to the Father, or for publication – God has continued to grow in me a desire to use words for His glory.

I clearly remember specific assignments being laid on my heart, and those same assignments being confirmed through others who, at the time, had no clue that God was already speaking these things to me in private. I would hear this and be in awe, but then shrink back in fear, wondering, “How? Surely not me! What will people think?”

As my confidence in God has grown, along with the continued realization of my own limitations, I have become all the more confident in God’s ability rather than my own, and the knowledge that what He proclaims will come to pass. Our role is only to be obedient.

As I begin taking these first “public” or “published” steps of obedience, like this blog you read today on this online platform that is my website, it is only as a result of following many private steps of obedience and closed-door prayers. I invite you to join me in the journey.

Not just the journey of using words for His glory, but I invite you into the continual pursuit of obedience to God, of prayer behind closed doors, and being molded more with each passing day into the image of Christ Jesus than we were the day before.

This is the journey that matters most as believers; being faithful to the Faithful God. The journey I am most excited to come alongside you in, and continue in myself.

Please accept this truly heartfelt, “Welcome!” I am glad you’re here.

Prayerfully and in love,

Lizzy Blanchard

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