"Establishing and orienting the woman and man of God in the true, historic faith!
If there is one thing that I've learned it’s that God has a plan, and sometimes it’s not at ALL what we expect.
His plan is better.
My name is Lizzy. Like you, my life has been a journey full of twists and turns and things I could not foresee; painful and promising, and all purposeful as a means God has used for His glory and my good. My Heavenly Father holds it all in the palm of His capable, nail-pierced hands and He truly knows best.
I love swapping stories of glory with brothers and sisters in Christ as God makes Himself known in our lives, amongst our neighbors, the nations, and all the earth as we share the ultimate glory story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that changed us and quite literally everything.
As I continue on this journey, I find myself compelled to inform and implore believers in Christ Jesus to grow in their knowledge of the rich history, heritage, and inheritance they have in Christ Jesus. I aim to provide and point to resources that engage and inform believers in knowing and delighting in the One True God and His beautiful, truthful Word. Establishing and orienting the woman and man of God in the true, historic faith (Colossians 2:6-7)!
Soli deo gloria,
Lizzy Blanchard
Some of my favorite things include:
- time spent outdoors
- theological discussions
- dancing like no one’s watching (preferably in socks on a hard wood floor)
- writing at local coffee shops
- spending time on the family farm
-midwest sunsets over a cornfield
and the list goes on!
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dapibus at arcu sit amet aliquam. Ut tortor dui, ornare a justo at, luctus hendrerit justo. Sed accumsan nisi non justo gravida interdum. Vestibulum venenatis molestie dolor, non ultrices velit ullamcorper ut. Ut molestie lectus eget semper suscipit. Ut vel risus id turpis volutpat porttitor in ut augue
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dapibus at arcu sit amet aliquam. Ut tortor dui, ornare a justo at, luctus hendrerit justo. Sed accumsan nisi non justo gravida interdum. Vestibulum venenatis molestie dolor, non ultrices velit ullamcorper ut. Ut molestie lectus eget semper suscipit. Ut vel risus id turpis volutpat porttitor in ut augue